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Kindergarten Word Wall Words/Palabras de Uso Frecuente
Palabra en Inglés/(pronunciación en Español)
I (ai)
yellow (ielou)
little (litl)
green (grin)
have (jav)
orange (orihnj)
my (mai)
brown (braun)
am (am)
black (blahk)
to (tu)
purple (perpl)
is (is)
for (for)
like (laik)
he (ji)
the (da)
she (shi)
a (a)
with (wiz)
we (wi)
me (mi)
red (red)
look (luk)
blue (blu)
see (si)
they (dei)
you (iu)
of (of)
are (ar)
that (dat)
do (du)
one (uan)
two (tu)
three (zri)
four (for)
five (faiv)
here (jir)
go (go)
from (from)
what (juat)
said (sed)
was (wos)
where (juer)
come (kom)
yes (ies)
no (no)
can (can)
big (big)
it (it)
at (at)
went (went)
and (and)