RAZ Kids
RAZ Kids
Raz Kids will allow your child to read books on their instructional reading level. These are Just Right books for your little reader. I have assigned each student their instructional reading level. Students are to work on quizzes by themselves. Parents, please do not help your child with the answers. Email me if you have concerns. I can always adjust the reading levels as your child grows. Remember the stories shouldn't be too easy or too hard, but always Just Right!
Go to
Enter teacher's username: lmiller233
Click on your child's name on the class roster
Enter your child's password- abcde
Click the green Go button
Click Reading Room
Click a leveled book
Read the story first! Then listen to it. Students must take quizzes.
After story, ask your child comprehension questions. Samples:
Story elements: characters-Who were the characters in the story? setting- Where and when did this story take place? problem-solution- What was the problem? Was the problem solved? How was it fixed?
Theme: What was the over all message of the story?
Sequence/Plot: Discuss what happened in the beginning, the middle, and at the end of the story.
Connections: Can you make a text to self, text to text or text to world connection?
Did you make an inference?
Could you ask more questions about the story?
Did you notice a cause and effect relationship?
Can you compare or contrast?
Can you identify the genre?
Give your opinion. Would you recommend this story to a friend? Why or why not?
Tell your favorite part.
Happy Reading!