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Freehold Learning Center

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Isaacs Angela


Phone: 732-761-2100

Qualifications: Education Degree Teacher of Spanish K-12 New Jersey Certification International Master Degree in Teaching Spanish.

                    !Bienvenidos a la Clase de Español de la     
                                     Señora Isaacs
        Les presento a Chico, una de nuestras mascotas: 
We have four Class Pets in our Class: Chico, Chica, Paco and Maria. The students will be able to take home one of our Class Pets on Friday and bring it back the following Monday!!  

Mrs. Isaacs

 Welcome to FLC!

Welcome to Spanish Class again!! I am back at FLC and I am very excited to have your child as a student in my Spanish class this year again!!.  My name is Angela P. Isaacs.  You will hear your child refer to me as “Señora Isaacs”.  This will be my 15th year teaching Spanish in the Freehold Borough School District.  I am a wife and mother of two handsome boys, ages 22 and 23. My husband and I are originally from Colombia, South America. 

This year, with your help, I intend to grab your child’s attention and spark his or her imagination, showing your child the world of possibilities opened to them by learning another language. In keeping with the goal of the Spanish Program, we will provide the best quality instruction, so your child may enjoy the benefit of learning a second language, by introducing many new and exciting aspects of the Spanish language and culture using a variety of meaningful and enjoyable teaching methods and strategies.

Spanish class for FLC will be held once a week for a forty-minute period.  (kindergarten will have Spanish class 2 times per week this year-80 minutes per week). Grades will be based mostly on class participation, behavior, homework completion, attitude, and disposition.

In order to ensure that we have a successful and rewarding year in Spanish, we have to establish our rules regarding behavior and responsibility in class. As with all other teachers, we want to have a classroom where students and teachers respect one another, and each other’s person, property, and space. As with all other classes, students will raise their hands in order to speak, will ask permission to get up from their seats, and will focus their attention on class matters. Most importantly, students must bring a positive attitude to every class, as a positive attitude makes students more open to learning, thereby reaping greater rewards and satisfaction.

As one of your child’s teachers, I count on your support in motivating your child to achieve all they can as a student of a new language, and I urge you to ask your child what they have learned in their Spanish class, as they love to share what they know.  Expressing what they learned will only reinforce their knowledge.

I thank you for the opportunity to broaden your child’s capability to accept and better understand other cultures. I am always at your service should there be any questions or concerns. I look forward to an exciting and rewarding year.

Hasta pronto,

Señora Isaacs  


Queridos padres, 

Ante todo quiero darles las gracias por toda la ayuda prestada para que sus hijos puedan realizar todas las actividades programadas. Sin su ayuda, esto sería casi que imposible. 

Estoy compartiendo este video que al igual lo compartieron ayer en el noticiero hispano. Me pareció super apropiado para nuestros niños, pero lo dejo a su discreción para mostrárselo o no a ellos. Este video no hace parte de ninguna lección o actividad. Simplemente lo quise compartir con los padres y si ustedes lo consideran apropiado, pues lo compartirán a la vez con sus hijos. Lastimosamente solo esta en español. A continuación esta el link para la cancion:

Canción Corona Virus

Nuevamente, muchísimas gracias por su ayuda! 
Angela Isaacs


Dear parents:

First I want to thank you so much for the help with doing all the activities with your children. Without your help, this would be almost impossible to do.

I am sharing with you a video which was showed yesterday on a Spanish news broadcast. I thought was cute and appropriate for our kids. Unfortunately is only in Spanish, but you can put the captions on and tell your children what the song says. This is not an assigment or a lesson. It is just a video that discusses the corona virus. If you consider it appropriate for your children, then please feel free to share with them. 

Again, thank you so much for your help!

Angela Isaacs