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Freehold Learning Center

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Howard, Shelley


Phone: 732-761-2212 ext. 2533

Mrs. Howard

Hello! My name is Mrs. Howard and I teach First Grade.  First Grade is an exciting year filled with many new adventures.  The journey that we go on every day in first grade is full of hard work and tremendous successess.  I look forward to each and every day with my students. 
I attended Rowan University and was part of a five year masters program.  I graduated from Rowan in 2009 with my bachelors degree in American Studies.  I graduated again from Rowan in 2010 with my Masters of Science in Teaching degree.  I also received a Teaching of Students with Disabilities Certification, a Middle School Social Studies Certification, and a reading endorsement. 
Reading is one of my favorite things to do, and I really enjoy teaching reading.  K, 1, and 2 are essential grades to establish strong reading skills.  Seeing students reading, and strengthening those reading skills is an amazing sight!  It takes a lot of practice at school and at home.  Please read with your child every day.