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Freehold Learning Center

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No Tech? No Problem!

- Practice buttoning (shirts, pants)

- Practice zippering (jackets)

- Practice shoe tying

- Cut out pictures from magazines and newspapers and write sentences to describe each pictures

- Cut out words or letters to spell out sight words, their names, or names of family and friends

- Cut out pictures and words to create a collage (About Me collage, Sight Word collage, All My Favorite Things collage)

- Highlight sightwords in newspaper and magazines

- Word searches on the back of a cereal box

- Cook a meal together. Have the child read the directions, measure ingredients, and stir the food! 

- Go on a neighborhood adventure. Make up stories about people and places that you see while walking.

- Go on a scavenger hunt inside your house or outside

- Go outside and run, skip, hop, and jump

- Have a dance party or freeze dance

- Use chalk to make a pavement twister board or hop-scotch

- Go on a nature walk. Find pinecones and rocks, then paint them!

- Read a book

- Do a puzzle

- Draw silly pictures

- Play a board game

- Build with blocks, LEGOs, or Lincoln Logs

- Make music together. Try using household pots and pans or cardboard boxes with rubberbands to sing your favorite songs or to create new one

- Play hide-and-go-seek

- Draw or write in paint, sand, salt, or shaving cream (place materials on a cookie tray to keep it less messy)

- Use aluminum foil to mold into sculptures

- Sit down outside and draw what you see – tree, flower, etc

- Put on a play

- Create an obstacle course 

- Write and illustrate a book

- Create your family tree

- Buid a blanket fort and tell stories

- Create crafts from upcycled items like toilet paper rolls, milk cartons, etc

- Grab a blanket, go outside, and watch the clouds – what shapes do you see?

- Play I Spy

- Make necklaces out of pasta and string or dental floss

- Play indoor volleyball with a balloon

- Play the Listening Game. Sit quietly with your child for 1 minute, then talk about what sounds you heard. (Air conditioner? Washer/dryer? Firetruck siren? Wind blowing? Leaves blowing?)


- Make playdough!

In a saucepan, combine:

  • 2 Cups flour
  • 1 Cup salt
  • 2 Cups water
  • 2 Tablespoons cooking oil
  • 2 Tablespoons Cream of Tatar
  • 2 Tablespoons food coloring of your choice

Cook them all together until it pulls away from the sides of the pot in a ball. Remove from heat and allow to cool, kneading it occasionally.