Scavenger Hunts
Sound Scavenger Hunt
Go outside or listen out your window for the items on this list. Did you hear something that isn't on the list? Then draw what you heard in one of the blank boxes. Good Luck!
Nature Scavenger Hunt
Go outside or look out the widow to see if you can find the items on this list. Good Luck!
Bird Observation Sheet
Observe birds outside or on the bird webcams under the virtual trips tab. Use the list to keep track of the different things you see birds doing. Count up how many birds you see doing different things.
Shape Scavenger Hunt
Look around your house and outside to find these shapes. Put a check next to the shapes you find and use the extra spaces to find different shapes than the ones listed. Good Luck!
Color Scavenger Hunt
Take a walk outside or in your house. Look for things on your hunt that represent each color and draw what you found. Good Luck!