FLC Front Office
Email: flcoffice@freeholdboro.k12.nj.us
Phone: 732-761-2212
Mrs. Mendoza, Principal's Secretary
DISMISSAL OR EARLY PICK UP: Effective February 5th- Due to the volume of dismissal change emails that our office receives, parents are now required to fill out a Google form every time they need to make a dismissal change or sign out a student early. A link for this form has been sent via email and a QR code was sent home on a paper notice. Thank you for your cooperation, as you know, your child’s safety is our number one concern.
Phone: 732-761-2212
Mrs. Veronica Rivera
FLC Secretary
30 Dutch Lane Road
Freehold, NJ 07728
732-761-2229 For Spanish
Mrs. Maria Russoniello
FLC Secretary
30 Dutch Lane Road
Freehold, NJ 07728
732-761-2212 Ext 2119